In this guide we'll cover everything you need to be able demo Avo on your Mac.

Step 1: Make sure we have all the relevant tools in place

We'll be using few mac apps in the process:

1.1 Terminal

This is a native macOS app that comes pre-installed on your Mac. We'll be using Terminal to run the demo project and to interact with the Avo CLI.

Set it up: You can find it in your Applications folder under Utilities or just using the search (cmd + space + terminal).

1.2 Visual Studio Code

This is our code editor. In VSCode we'll show how developers can use Avo to implement analytics event tracking in an efficient and reliable way! (feel free to use any other code editor if you prefer)

Set it up:

Download Visual Studio Code - Mac, Linux, Windows

1.3 Homebrew

To simplify the installation of some of the packages that we're going need, we're going to set up Homebrew (usually shortened to just Brew), a package manager for macOS: Open the Terminal app and run the following command (paste the following line in there and hit enter):

/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL <>)"

This might take some time to run and prompt you for input.

Blockers for finalizing this step: