Instructions / Introduction:

You should think of the User Manual as a manual that you will consult with many times during your Avo tenure. When you have a question about how we work - check here first. Our goal is that 90% of the time, an answer that can get you pointed in the right direction can be found with a simple search. Of your team is always there to help you but the more informed you are - the better your experience will be.

<aside> 🔥 Please start by reading the Avo is remote-first and async-first [public] and How we communicate [public] (including our Tiers of urgency [public] and Our tools of communication [public]) because being proficient in those will get you up to speed faster in getting started as an Avo team member.


Then continue by reading the rest of the manual. Team members with a clear understanding of what is in the user manual have a significant advantage when trying to be great co-workers to their fellow team members.

<aside> 💡 Finally, the manual is a living document that will be improved upon regularly. We enjoy learning and growing, so we ask of you to share feedback on what you see in our user manual.


Avo is remote-first and async-first [public]

How we communicate [public]

Core Virtues [public]

Our Work Systems [public]

Wellness [public]

Time off [public]

Expenses [public]

First Responder [public]

Demoing Avo – from 0 to 1 [public]

Community Manager [public]

Responding to user feedback [public]

Working Agreement [public]